Free Esperanto Course


  1. Vocabulary
  2. Esperanto Affixes
  3. Esperanto Correlatives


Esperanto ⇒ English Esperanto ⇐ English
aĉet/i buy pri about, concerning
adiaŭ goodbye super above
aer/o air Afrik/o Africa
afer/o case, affair, thing post after
Afrik/o Africa denove again
akr/a sharp kontraŭ against
akv/o water aer/o air
al to(wards) jam already
ali/a other ankaŭ also
am/i love inter among, between
amik/o friend kaj and
angl/o Englishman respond/i answer
ankaŭ also apetit/o appetite
anstataŭ instead of april/o April
antaŭ in front of, before sag/o arrow
apetit/o appetite demand/i ask (a question)
april/o April pet/i ask (request)
apud beside ĉe at
arb/o tree aŭgust/o August
atend/i wait for for away
atest/i testify fraŭl/o bachelor
or pilk/o ball
aŭd/i hear est/i be
aŭgust/o August pov/i be able to
aŭskult/i listen plaĝ/o beach
aŭt/o car bel/a beautiful
aŭtobus/o bus ĉar because, since (conj.)
bat/i hit bier/o beer
bel/a beautiful komenc/i begin (trans.)
bezon/i need ĝoj/i be glad
bicikl/o bicycle plaĉ/i be pleasing
bier/o beer sat/i be satisfied
bigami/o bigamy apud beside
bilard/o billiards, pool bicikl/o bicycle
bird/o bird grand/a big
blank/a white bigami/o bigamy
blind/a blind bilard/o billiards, pool
blond/a blonde bird/o bird
blu/a blue nigr/a black
bon/a good blind/a blind
bov/o cow, bull, ox blond/a blonde
bril/i shine blu/a blue
brun/a brown ost/o bone
bub/o brat libr/o book
bufed/o buffet klin/i bow, lean over (trans.)
butik/o shop skatol/o box
butikum/i go (be) out shopping knab/o boy
cel/o target, goal bub/o brat
cent hundred pan/o bread
ci thou frat/o brother
cigared/o cigarette brun/a brown
ĉambr/o room bufed/o buffet
ĉar because, since (conj.) aŭtobus/o bus
ĉas/i hunt, chase sed but
ĉe at aĉet/i buy
ĉeval/o horse per by means of
ĉi this (with correlative) kuk/o cake
ĉokolad/o chocolate kanjon/o canyon
ĉu (interr.) (is it true that...) aŭt/o car
da of (quantity) port/i carry, wear
danc/i dance afer/o case, affair, thing
dank/i thank kat/o cat
daŭr/i continue, last kapt/i catch
de of, from seĝ/o chair
decembr/o December infan/o child
dek ten ĉokolad/o chocolate
demand/i ask (a question) ĥor/o choir
denove again cigared/o cigarette
dens/a dense pur/a clean, pure
dev/i must ferm/i close
dezir/i wish, desire klub/o club, group
dimanĉ/o Sunday kaf/o coffee
dir/i say kokakol/o Coke
disk/o record, disc ven/i come
dolĉ/a sweet kongres/o congress, convention
dom/o house kontent/a content
dorm/i sleep daŭr/i continue, last
du two kuir/i cook
dum while, during korespond/i correspond
edz/o husband kost/i cost
eĥ/o echo land/o country, land
ekster outside kurs/o course
ekzerc/i exercise bov/o cow, bull, ox
el out of kri/i cry
en in plor/i cry
erar/o error tas/o cup
eskim/o Eskimo tranĉ/i cut
esperant/o esperanto danc/i dance
est/i be tag/o day
Eŭrop/a European decembr/o December
facil/a easy dens/a dense
fal/i fall far/i do, make
famili/o family hund/o dog
far/i do, make rob/o dress
fart/i fare trink/i drink
februar/o February sek/a dry
feliĉ/a happy ter/o earth
fenestr/o window facil/a easy
ferm/i close manĝ/i eat
fil/o son eĥ/o echo
fin/i finish / end (trans.) ov/o egg
flav/a yellow ok eight
for away angl/o Englishman
forges/i forget kovert/o envelope
frat/o brother erar/o error
fraŭl/o bachelor eskim/o Eskimo
fum/o smoke esperant/o esperanto
gajn/i win Eŭrop/a European
geografi/o geography vesper/o evening
glaci/o ice ekzerc/i exercise
glob/o globe, sphere fal/i fall
gol/o goal famili/o family
grand/a big fart/i fare
griz/a grey patr/o father
gust/o taste februar/o February
ĝangal/o jungle trov/i find
ĝarden/o garden fin/i finish / end (trans.)
ĝi it kvin five
ĝis until nutraĵ/o food, nourishment
ĝoj/i be glad por for
halt/i stop (intrans.) forges/i forget
hav/i have kvar four
hejm/o home vendred/o Friday
herb/o grass amik/o friend
hom/o person plen/a full
hor/o hour ĝarden/o garden
hund/o dog geografi/o geography
ĥor/o choir glob/o globe, sphere
ide/o idea ir/i go
ili they butikum/i go (be) out shopping
imag/i imagine gol/o goal
indian/o indian (N American) bon/a good
infan/o child adiaŭ goodbye
insekt/o insect herb/o grass
instru/i teach verd/a green
inter among, between salut/i greet
interes/i interest (trans.) griz/a grey
interes/o interest feliĉ/a happy
ir/i go hav/i have
jaĥt/o yacht li he
jam already san/a healthy
januar/o January aŭd/i hear
jar/o year bat/i hit
je (indef. preposition) hejm/o home
jes yes ĉeval/o horse
juli/o July hor/o hour
jun/a young dom/o house
juni/o June cent hundred
ĵaluz/o jealousy ĉas/i hunt, chase
ĵaŭd/o Thursday edz/o husband
ĵurnal/o newspaper mi I
ĵus just (now) je (indef. preposition)
kaf/o coffee ĉu (interr.) (is it true that...)
kaj and glaci/o ice
kanjon/o canyon ide/o idea
kant/i sing se if
kapt/i catch imag/i imagine
kat/o cat tuj immediately
ke that en in
klin/i bow, lean over (trans.) indian/o indian (N American)
klub/o club, group antaŭ in front of, before
knab/o boy insekt/o insect
kokakol/o Coke anstataŭ instead of
komenc/i begin (trans.) interes/o interest
kompren/i understand interes/i interest (trans.)
kon/i know, be acq. with ĝi it
kongres/o congress, convention januar/o January
kontent/a content ĵaluz/o jealousy
kontraŭ against juli/o July
korespond/i correspond juni/o June
kost/i cost ĝangal/o jungle
kovert/o envelope ĵus just (now)
kri/i cry sci/i know (something)
kuir/i cook kon/i know, be acq. with
kuk/o cake lingv/o language
kun with rid/i laugh
kunikl/o rabbit lern/i learn
kur/i run limonad/o lemonade
kurs/o course lecion/o lesson
kvar four leter/o letter
kvin five mensog/i lie
la the lum/o light
labor/i work ŝat/i like
lakt/o milk aŭskult/i listen
land/o country, land viv/i live
lav/i wash rigard/i look (at)
lecion/o lesson am/i love
leg/i read vir/o man
lern/i learn mart/o March
leter/o letter maj/o May
li he renkont/i meet
libr/o book membr/o member
limonad/o lemonade mejl/o mile
lingv/o language lakt/o milk
loĝ/i reside milion/o million
lud/i play minut/o minute
lum/o light lund/o Monday
lund/o Monday mon/o money
maj/o May monat/o month
manĝ/i eat pli more
mar/o sea maten/o morning
mard/o Tuesday plej most
mart/o March ŝose/o motorway, freeway
maten/o morning mont/o mountain
mejl/o mile dev/i must
membr/o member nom/o name
mensog/i lie naci/o nation
merkred/o Wednesday neces/a necessary
met/i put, place bezon/i need
mi I neŭtral/a neutral
mil thousand nov/a new
milion/o million ĵurnal/o newspaper
minut/o minute nokt/o night
mon/o money nul/o nil, name of nr. zero
monat/o month naŭ nine
mont/o mountain ne no, not
naci/o nation nord/o north
naĝ/i swim novembr/o November
naŭ nine oktobr/o October
ne no, not da of (quantity)
neces/a necessary de of, from
neĝ/o snow oft/e often
neŭtral/a neutral sur on
ni we oni one
nigr/a black unu one
nokt/o night or
nom/o name ali/a other
nord/o north el out of
nov/a new ekster outside
novembr/o November paper/o paper
nul zero part/o part
nul/o nil, name of nr. zero pas/i pass
nutraĵ/o food, nourishment plum/o pen, feather
oft/e often hom/o person
ok eight lud/i play
okaz/i take place, happen poŝ/o pocket
oktobr/o October polus/o pole (north and south)
ol than problem/o problem
ond/o wave prosper/i prosper
oni one pun/i punish
opini/i think, have an opinion met/i put, place
ost/o bone rapid/a quick
ov/o egg silent/a quiet
paf/i shoot kunikl/o rabbit
pan/o bread pluv/o rain
pantofl/o slipper leg/i read
paper/o paper disk/o record, disc
parol/i speak varb/i recruit
part/o part ruĝ/a red
pas/i pass si reflexive pronoun
patr/o father postul/i require, demand
pens/i think loĝ/i reside
per by means of riĉ/a rich
pet/i ask (request) ĉambr/o room
pilk/o ball kur/i run
plaĉ/i be pleasing sam/a same
plaĝ/o beach sabl/o sand
plej most sandviĉ/o sandwich
plen/a full sabat/o Saturday
pli more dir/i say
plor/i cry traf/i score, hit
plum/o pen, feather mar/o sea
pluv/o rain vid/i see
polus/o pole (north and south) vend/i sell
por for septembr/o September
port/i carry, wear sep seven
post after akr/a sharp
postul/i require, demand ŝi she
poŝ/o pocket ŝaf/o sheep
pov/i be able to bril/i shine
pren/i take ŝu/o shoe
pri about, concerning paf/i shoot
problem/o problem butik/o shop
promen/i walk kant/i sing
prosper/i prosper ses six
pun/i punish dorm/i sleep
pur/a clean, pure pantofl/o slipper
rapid/a quick fum/o smoke
renkont/i meet neĝ/o snow
respond/i answer solv/i solve
riĉ/a rich fil/o son
rid/i laugh son/i sound
rigard/i look (at) parol/i speak
rob/o dress star/i stand
ruĝ/a red step/o steppe
sabat/o Saturday halt/i stop (intrans.)
sabl/o sand stud/i study
sag/o arrow sukces/i succeed
salut/i greet sufiĉ/a sufficient
sam/a same suker/o sugar
san/a healthy valiz/o suitcase
sandviĉ/o sandwich sun/o sun
sat/i be satisfied dimanĉ/o Sunday
sci/i know (something) dolĉ/a sweet
se if naĝ/i swim
sed but tabl/o table
seĝ/o chair tabl/o/tenis/o table tennis, ping-pong
sek/a dry pren/i take
semajn/o week okaz/i take place, happen
sen without cel/o target, goal
sep seven task/o task
septembr/o September gust/o taste
ses six te/o tea
si reflexive pronoun instru/i teach
silent/a quiet dek ten
skatol/o box tenis/o tennis
skrib/i write atest/i testify
soif/a thirsty ol than
solv/i solve dank/i thank
son/i sound ke that
star/i stand la the
step/o steppe ili they
stud/i study pens/i think
sub under opini/i think, have an opinion
sufiĉ/a sufficient soif/a thirsty
sukces/i succeed ĉi this (with correlative)
suker/o sugar ci thou
sun/o sun mil thousand
super above teatr/o threatre
sur on tri three
ŝaf/o sheep tra through
ŝat/i like ĵaŭd/o Thursday
ŝi she temp/o time
ŝose/o motorway, freeway al to(wards)
ŝu/o shoe tamtam/o tomtom
tabl/o table urb/o town
tabl/o/tenis/o table tennis, ping-pong vojaĝ/i travel
tag/o day arb/o tree
tamtam/o tomtom ver/a true
tas/o cup mard/o Tuesday
task/o task du two
te/o tea tip/o type
teatr/o threatre sub under
temp/o time kompren/i understand
tenis/o tennis ĝis until
ter/o earth uz/i use
tip/o type vast/a vast, huge
tra through tre very
traf/i score, hit vilaĝ/o village
tranĉ/i cut vizit/i visit
tre very atend/i wait for
tri three promen/i walk
trink/i drink vol/i want
trov/i find varm/a warm
tuj immediately lav/i wash
tut/a whole ond/o wave
unu one akv/o water
urb/o town ni we
uz/i use merkred/o Wednesday
valiz/o suitcase semajn/o week
varb/i recruit dum while, during
varm/a warm blank/a white
vast/a vast, huge tut/a whole
ven/i come gajn/i win
vend/i sell fenestr/o window
vendred/o Friday vin/o wine
ver/a true dezir/i wish, desire
verd/a green kun with
vesper/o evening sen without
vi you vort/o word
vid/i see labor/i work
vilaĝ/o village skrib/i write
vin/o wine jaĥt/o yacht
vir/o man jar/o year
viv/i live flav/a yellow
vizit/i visit jes yes
vojaĝ/i travel vi you
vol/i want jun/a young
vort/o word nul zero

Esperanto Affixes

AffixMeaningExamples of use
I a. Official Prefixes:
bo- relationship by marriage,
bopatrino = mother-in-law
bofrato = brother-in-law
dis- dis-, dispersal, separation,
scattering, dismemberment
disĵeti = to scatter about,
disdoni = to distribute,
disaŭdigi = to broadcast,
disigi = to separate, to take apart,
disiĝi = to disintegrate, to fall apart
ek- momentary, sudden,
beginning of action
or brief lasting action
ekiri = to start,
ekbrili = to flash,
ekvidi = to notice,
ekkrii = to shout out,
eki = to begin, to start,
ni eku! = let's get started
eks- ex-, former eksreĝo = ex-king,
eksedzino = ex-wife,
eksigi = to discharge (from office), to impeach,
eksiĝi = to resign
fi- shameful, nasty,
morally bad,
moral degradation,
fiago = shameful act,
figazeto = "smutty" magazine,
fialudi = innuendo, evil insinuation,
fikomercisto = swindler,
fia = nasty, horrid,
fiaĉa = repulsing in any regard
ge- of both sexes together gepatroj = parents,
gejunuloj = youth, young people,
gesinjoroj = ladies and gentleman,
gea = of both sexes, unisex
mal- opposite malgranda = small,
malami = to hate,
malaperi = to vanish, to disappear,
malriĉa = poor,
malbona = bad,
malbela = ugly,
malforta = weak,
malfacila = difficult,
maldekstra = left,
malfermi = to open,
malkonsenti = to disagree,
mala = opposite,
male = on the contrary, contrary to
mis- mis-, amiss, wrongly miskompreni = to misunderstand,
miskompreno = misunderstanding,
misuzi = to misuse,
misuzo = abuse
pra- remote (time), primordiality,
remoteness of relationship,
of great antiquity, primeval,
great (in family relationship),
ancient, fore-
prapatroj = ancestors,
praavo = great-grandfather,
pranepo = great-grandson,
prahistorio = prehistory,
pratempo = the ancient past,
pratempa, praa = ancient
re- re-, return, repetition,
back, over again
resendi = to send back,
reveni = to come back, to return (intr),
redoni = to give back, to return (tr),
rebrili = to reflect,
reverki = to re-write (a book, etc.)
I b. Unofficial Prefixes:
pseŭdo- pseudo- pseŭdoscienco = pseudoscience,
pseŭdonomo = pseudonym
retro- backward retroiri = to retire, withdraw, retreat,
retrorigardi = to look back
II a. Official Suffixes:
-aĉ- scorn, disparagement,
contemptible, disgusting,
bad kind
domaĉo = hovel, shack, shanty,
skribaĉi = to scrawl,
infanaĉo = brat,
virinaĉo = hag,
ĉevalaĉo = sorry nag,
veteraĉo = filthy weather,
aĉulo = creep, thug,
aĉaĵo = abomination
-ad- frequent, repetitive
or habitual action,
prolonged action,
continuation of action
naĝado = swimming,
pafado = shooting,
kuirado = cooking,
agadi = to act,
agado = action, activity,
movado = movement,
parolado = a speach,
kuradi = to keep on running
-aĵ- thing (concrete idea),
a concrete manifestation
of an abstraction,
the external manifestation
of an activity,
a characteristic piece of
the flesh of an animal,
product, dish
segaĵo = sawdust,
bovaĵo = beef,
ŝafaĵo = mutton,
kokinaĵo, kokidaĵo = chicken,
fluaĵo = liquid,
pakaĵo = package, thing packed,
sendaĵo = shipment, thing sent,
infanaĵo = a childish act,
ovaĵo = scrambled eggs,
ĝentilaĵo = polite, courteous act,
verdaĵo = greenery, something green,
manĝaĵo = food,
fragaĵo = strawberry jam,
sekaĵoj = dry goods,
dolĉaĵoj = sweets, candies,
aĵo = a thing, object,
Esperantaĵoj = publications or other collectibles related to Esperanto
-an- member (of a group),
inhabitant (of a place
or country), partisan,
participant, adherent
ano = member,
klubano = club member,
kursano = a course participant,
kongresano = congressman, delegate,
vilaĝano = villager,
urbanoj = townspeople,
nederlandano = dutchman,
londonano = londoner,
amerikanoj = americans,
kristano = christian
-ar- collective, group, set,
a collection of like things
arbaro = forest, woods,
anaro = members' body,
vortaro = dictionary,
libraro = library,
aŭdantaro = audience,
homaro = mankind,
aro = collection, set
-ĉj- pet-name (masculine)
[truncation of root optional]
paĉjo = daddy,
Joĉjo = Johnny, Joe,
Tomĉjo = Tom, Tommy
-ebl- -able, -ible, possibility legebla = legible,
portebla = portable,
videbla = visible,
manĝebla = edible,
kredebla = credible, believable,
kredeble = possibly, probably,
eble = perhaps,
ebla = possible,
ebleco = possibility
-ec- quality, abstract idea,
-ness, -ship
blankeco = whiteness,
rapideco = speed,
silkeca = silky,
amikeco = friendship,
klareco = clearness,
profesoreco = professorship,
moleco = softness,
malmoleco = hardness,
eco = quality
-eg- augmentative, great size,
intense degree
bonega = excellent,
petegi = to beseech, to implore,
domego = mansion,
ridegi = to guffaw,
varmega = hot,
ega = great,
ege = very
-ej- place alloted to
or characterized by, space
lernejo = school,
kuirejo = kitchen,
loĝejo = apartment,
vendejo = store,
herbejo = meadow,
hundejo = dog kennel,
preĝejo = temple, church,
ejo = place
-em- propensity, disposition,
babilema = loquacious,
parolema = talkative,
komprenema = understanding,
laborema = hard working, industrious,
ŝparema = thrifty,
mortema = mortal,
ludema = playful,
kredema = credulous,
kolerema = irascible,
suspektema = open to suspicion,
samseksema = homosexual,
malsamseksema = heterosexual,
ambaŭseksema = bisexusual,
ema = inclined, disposed, prone, apt,
malema = unwilling, reluctant,
eme = willingly, readily,
emo = tendency, inclination, disposition
-end- to be -ed, which-must-be-done,
necessity of action
pagenda = payable, to be payed, due,
detruenda = to be destroyed,
solvenda = must be solved,
farenda = to be done, must be done
-er- item, unit, fragment,
small particle of a whole,
panero = crumb,
ĉenero = link,
pluvero = raindrop,
monero = coin,
pulvero = dust particle,
fajrero = spark,
sablero = grain of sand,
diserigi = to split up, grind down,
ero = element, particle, part
-estr- leader, ruler, head, chief estro = chief,
estri = to govern, direct, lead,
ŝtatestro = head of state,
guberniestro = state governor,
staciestro = station master,
urbestro = mayor,
regnestro = ruler,
lernejestro = head-master, principal, school director,
ŝipestro = captain, ship's master
-et- diminutive dormeti = to doze, to slumber,
libreto = booklet,
lageto = pond,
dometo = cottage,
varmeta = luke-warm,
rideti = to smile,
eta = small, minimal
-id- offspring, the descendant of,
the young of an animal
ido = child, infant, descendant, scion,
idoj = progeny,
izraelido = israelite,
reĝido = prince,
hundido = puppy,
katido = kitten,
ĉevalido = colt,
bovido = calf,
kokido = chick
-ig- to make, to render,
to cause, to bring about
purigi = to clean, to purify,
ebligi = to make possible,
mortigi = to kill,
plenigi = to fill,
blankigi = to whiten,
ruinigi = to ruin,
bruligi = to burn something (tr),
timigi = to frighten,
plibonigi = to improve something (tr),
lumigi = to put on the light,
bindigi = to have bound,
starigi = to stand (tr),
sciigi = to let know, to inform,
igi = to make someone or to cause something to be
-iĝ- to become, get,
action of becoming
edziĝi = to get married (to become a husband),
edziniĝi = to get married (to become a wife),
naskiĝi = to be born,
ruĝiĝi = to blush,
blankiĝi = to grow white, whiten,
pliboniĝi = to improve (intr),
sidiĝi = to sit down, to become seated,
moviĝi = to move of itself,
enlitiĝi = to get into bed,
ruliĝi = to roll (intr),
sciiĝi = to get to know, become aware,
iĝi = to become by self
-il- instrument, means,
tool, implement
ilo = tool,
hakilo = axe,
ŝlosilo = key,
kudrilo = needle,
tranĉilo = knife,
razilo = razor,
flugilo = wing,
montrilo = pointer, arrow
-in- female, feminine virino = woman,
patrino = mother,
reĝino = queen,
fratino = sister,
onklino = aunt,
ĉevalino = mare,
kokino = hen,
ino = female
-ind- worthiness,
worthy to be -ed
laŭdinda = praiseworthy,
admirinda = worthy of admiration, admirable, worth -ing
aminda = loveable, worthy of love,
memorinda = memorable,
vidinda = worth seeing,
vizitinda = worth a trip,
inda = worthy
-ing- holder, socket,
sheath (for one object)
glavingo = scabbard,
plumingo = penholder,
kandelingo = candlestick
-ist- person habitually occupied
or concerned with something,
professional or enthusiastic
amateur, adherent, partisan
instruisto = teacher,
artisto = artist,
pentristo = painter,
policisto = policeman,
maŝinisto = machinist,
biciklisto = cyclist,
maristo = sailor,
ŝuisto = shoemaker,
drogisto = druggist,
marksisto = marxist,
Esperantisto = Esperantist
-nj- pet-name (feminine)
[truncation of root optional]
panjo = mommy,
Manjo = Mary,
Nenjo = Nellie
-obl- multiple unuobla = single,
duobla = double, twofold,
trioble = triply, three times,
kvaroble = fourfold, quadruply,
dekduoble = twelve times,
dudekoble = twenty times,
centoble = a hundredfold,
multobligi, obligi = to multiply
-on- fraction duono = half,
duonigi = to halve,
sesono = sixth,
centono = a hundredth part
-op- collective unuope = one by one, singly,
duope = two by two, in twos,
kvaropo = quartet,
kvarope = four abreast, by fours,
centope = by hundreds, a hundred at a time
-uj- (1) container, receptacle monujo = purse,
inkujo = inkstand,
ujo = generic container
(2) land, country Anglujo = England,
Esperantujo = Esperanto-land (everywhere where E-o is spoken)
(3) tree or bush
bearing fruit
pomujo = apple tree,
pirujo = pear-tree,
plumujo = plum-tree,
vinberujo = vine
-ul- person (possesing a certain
quality), characterised by
junulo = youth, young man,
belulino = beauty,
bravulo = brave man,
blindulo = blind person,
surdulo = deaf person,
mutulo = mute person,
riĉulo = rich man,
drinkulo = drunkard,
saĝulo = wise man, sage,
samseksemulo = homosexual, gay,
kunulo = companion,
fremdulo = stranger,
ulo = person, individual
-um- indefinite relation malvarmumi = to catch cold,
plenumi = to fulfil,
tendumi = to camp,
literumi = to spell,
okulumi = to ogle,
foliumi = to browse, to glance (through a book),
kolumo = collar,
manumo = wrist band,
plandumo = sole (of shoe),
ventumi = to fan,
ventumilo = a fan,
aerumi = to ventilate,
komunumo = community,
krucumi = to crucify,
amikumi = to be friends,
Esperantumi = to use Esperanto (and to enjoy it)
II b. Unofficial Suffixes:
-i- country Francio = France,
Britio = Great Britain,
Bulgario, Meksikio
-ism- -ism, theory, system,
characteristic behaviour,
platonismo = platonism,
protektismo = protectionism,
alkoholismo = alcoholism,
magnetismo = magnetism,
fetiĉismo = fetishism,
anglismo = anglicism

Esperanto Correlatives

some, any
every, all
some kind of, any kind of
of some kind, of any kind
what kind of
what (a)
that kind of
such (a)
every kind of
all kinds of
no kind of
for some reason
for that reason
that's why
for every reason
for no reason
in any manner
how; as
that way
that's how
in every way
in no way
which one's
that one's
how much
how many
so much
so many
that person